Picture: IDCOL Biogas Program


In Bangladesh some privileged urban people have the facility to use the natural gas but the rural are using the biomass, firewood or cow dung in a conventional way and they are just burning it in presence of air and thus it create lot of smoke in the air and which is harmful for the health, especially for children and women. To address the issue and considering the local scenario RSF is working as CPO (Constructor Partner Organization) of IDCOL from 2006. So far RSF has installed 4,094 Biogas plants till December, 2020.

Commercial/institutional Biogas:

1. RSF has signed an agreement with GIZ to implement the biogas plant construction
2. Under the agreement with GIZ to implement the biogas plant and 2 mason training program.
3. Significant of the project is its size. Its minimum size will be 6cubic meter which is beyond the IDCOL approved biogas plant so the people who need large or commercial type biogas they can be benefited from the project progress
4. RSF has arranged one mason training out of two and one commercial plant is under construction.

For Biogas inquiry, please contact to 01713367495, 01755688739